A great place to be

Klean Group is not just another digital and design agency. We are a great place to be.
Why? Because we believe, the most powerful force of nature is people. And with a people-first mindset, we help organizations turn strategy into reality – through creative design and tech solutions that move businesses forward.

We simply cannot help it. Curiosity is in our bones, creativity runs through our veins, and people are in our hearts.

Klean Group started as an ambition – to help people, businesses and organizations reach their full potential. That turned into an adventure. A wonderful adventure that has taught us the ropes of the game and made us who we are: An agency of two hubs, one airplane, and 55+ professionals specialized in digital commerce, design, creative tech, and marketing.

Individually, we are experts within our fields, and as a team we are united by our passion for making a difference. We thrive on laughter and quirky ideas, and together we strive to become the one agency clients feel they must ask to make their dreams come true.

That is why Klean Group is not a one-time destination, but a great place to be. We are a choice by heart, a mindset, a feeling, and a way of doing business. We dive in wholeheartedly every time we meet new people, and we love building long-lasting creative partnerships. That is how we fly.

Welcome to Klean Group.

“Klean Group forener det bedste fra et digitalt techbureau med det bedste fra et kreativt designbureau. Det er derfor, vi mener, Klean Group er a great place to be.”

⸻ Torben Storgaard, Commercial Director, Partner

Torben Storgaard, Partner, Digital Strategy & Business Development

⸻  Explore  ⸻  Create  ⸻  Connect


Vores mindset er vores metode

Explore, create, connect er lige så meget vores metode, som det er vores mindset. Vi er drevet af nysgerrighed og arbejder ud fra en handlingsdrevet strategi, idet vi lærer, perspektiverer og udvikler i alle tre faser.

Uanset hvilken opgave vi løser, går vi til opgaven på samme måde hver eneste gang: Først researcher og viden-indsamler vi i explore-fasen, derefter udvikler vi løsningen i create-fasen og til slut vælges teknologier, kanaler og platforme i connect-fasen.

Eftersom der ikke er to opgaver, der er ens, tilpasser vi indholdet af udviklingsprocessen hver gang, vi går til en ny opgave.


  • Research
  • Analyse
  • Dataopsamling
  • Interviews
  • Workshops


  • Strategi
  • Brandposition
  • Konceptudvikling
  • Design
  • Kommunikation
  • E-commerce
  • Websites & apps
  • Creative tech
  • Content marketing


  • UX
  • SEO
  • Email marketing
  • Digital annoncering
  • Community management
  • Social media management
  • Media planning
  • Publishing
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